International Journal of Health Policy and Management

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Response to three comments on the article « Providing value to new health technology: the early contribution of entrepreneurs, investors, and regulatory agencies» (Lehoux P., Miller F., Daudelin G, Denis J., 2017).

Lehoux, P., Miller, F.A., Daudelin, G., Denis, J.-L. (2018). Why learning how to chase butterflies matters: A response to recent commentaries, International Journal of Health Policy and Management.

BMC Health Services Research

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This article looks at what kind of research was conducted on Health System challenges, where it was performed, in which health sectors and on which populations. It also identifies the types of challenge that were most present and how they varied across countries

Roncarolo, F., Boivin, A., Denis, J.-L., Hébert, R., Lehoux, P. (2017). What do we know about the needs and challenges of health systems? A scoping review of the international literature, BMC Health Services Research.

Review of Policy Research

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This article examines the rules that characterize economic policy, capital investment, and regulatory approval as well as the way these institutions enable and constrain the development of ventures at an early stage.

Lehoux, P., Daudelin, G., Denis, J.-L., Miller F.A. (2017). A Concurrent Analysis of Three Institutions that Transform Health Technology-Based Ventures: Economic Policy, Capital Investment, and Market Approval, Review of Policy Research.

Éthique, Médecine et Politique Publique

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This study uses structuring theory to explore how members of the public anticipate the potential and limitations of prevention in the context of predictive medicine and to clarify the underlying reasoning processes.

Lehoux, P., Cheriet, I., Grimard, D. (2017). Que pense le public de la prévention dans le contexte de la médecine prédictive? Éthique, Médecine et Politique Publique.

Technological Forcasting and Social Change

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Building on insights from sociology of expectations and institutions, this paper elicits how specific institutional requirements provide potency to the expectations that pave the health technology development pathway.

Lehoux, P., Miller, F.A., Daudelin, G. (2016). Converting clinical risks into economic value: The role of expectations and institutions in health technology development, Technological Forcasting and Social Change.


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This study explored interactions with device industry representatives among physicians who use implantable cardiovascular and orthopedic devices to identify whether conflict of interest (COI) is a concern and how it is managed.

Gagliardi, A., Lehoux, P., Ducey, A., Easty, A., Ross, S., Bell, C., Trbovich, P., Urbach, D. (2017). We can’t get along without each other: Qualitative interviews with physicians about device industry representatives, conflict of interest and patient safety, PLoS ONE.