RIH Assessment Tool

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The goal of this research project was to develop and validate a tool to assess the degree of responsibility of health innovations, what we call the In Fieri RIH Assessment Tool.

The Tool is based on the RIH framework, which makes explicit the value domains and attributes to be considered throughout the life cycle of an innovation and in light of the context in which the users of the innovation are located. The project was based on two methodological components.

First, international experts participated in a two-round Delphi prioritization exercise that took place on a secure web-based platform. Four categories of experts participated in the study: 1) scholars in the field of Responsible Research and Innovation; 2) engineers working in the health sector; 3) bioethicists; and 4) health technology assessment professionals. These experts used closed-ended questions to assess the level of importance of the attributes of a draft version of the tool, the clarity of its definitions, and the appropriateness of its scales. Free-text fields were used to comment and suggest additional relevant attributes. In Round 2, the experts received the results of the previous round, a redesigned version of the tool, and again commented on the level of importance and clarity of the attributes. Expert participation was anonymous. The tool was enriched and consolidated in each round with the feedback received. The results of the study have been published in this article.

The second component of the project aimed to assess the reliability of the tool by applying it to 25 different innovations and measuring the degree of inter-rater agreement. The study consisted of the following steps: (1) information sources were collected and validated for clarity and relevance; (2) the ratings of the two evaluators were independently entered into a database; (3) descriptive and analytical statistics to establish the degree of agreement for each of the attributes were generated; and (4) discrepancies in the ratings were discussed to identify possible sources of confusion. The results of this study can be found in this article, which makes the final version of the Tool available.

A user guide has been developed to support the application of the tool. Please do not hesitate to write to us if you have any questions about the Tool or would like to share your appreciation.

User Guide

Guia do usuário da Ferramenta de avaliação da Inovação Responsável em Saúde (IRS) também está disponível em português.

Project Lead: Hudson Silva

Needs and challenges of health systems

Posted in: OngoingResearch_EN | 0

The aim of this project was to take stock of the scientific literature that examined the needs and challenges of health systems across the world and that can inform the design of RIH.

While health services research is increasingly concerned about the way health systems can adopt innovations, little is known about the system-level challenges that innovations should address in the first place. This project thus explored the “demand” for RIH by: 1) reviewing the available body of scientific knowledge on the challenges health systems across the world face; and 2) analyzing the ways in which the principles of RIH help to address these challenges and support more sustainable technological development in health systems.

To gather a multidisciplinary scientific literature, we performed a structured search on 8 bibliographic databases covering health services and policy research, public health, management, public administration and political science. We screened all scientific papers published between January 2000 and April 2016 and included 292 articles in our scoping review.

The challenges reported in the articles were classified using the dynamic framework of van Olmen and colleagues (2012), which connects the key components that influence how a health system successfully reaches its goals.

HS_Analysis_modelFigure 1 – Analytical model for health system analysis

Figure adapted from: van Olmen et al. (2012). The health system dynamics framework: The introduction of an analytical model for health system analysis and its application to two case-studies. Health Culture and Society, 2(1):1-21.


The countries where these studies were conducted were classified using the Human Development Index (HDI), which combines indicators that are relevant to population health: life expectancy at birth, mean years of schooling and expected years of schooling, and gross national income per capita.

A 1st article identified the kind of research that has been conducted on health system challenges, where it was performed, in which health sectors and on which populations. This article provides a quantitative description of the categories of challenge that have been researched, illustrate the key challenges reported by researchers and examines how these challenges vary across countries whose HDI is very high, high, medium or low.

A 2nd article that focuses more specifically on the challenges that Responsible Innovation in Health (RIH) should seek to address was subsequently published.

Former project lead : Federico Roncarolo

Project contact : Pascale Lehoux