Pascale Lehoux and Sébastien Proulx published Deliberating as a public representative or as a potential user? Two complementary perspectives that should inform health innovation policy in Healthcare Policy.
Pascale Lehoux, Fiona Miller and Bryn Williams-Jones published Anticipatory governance and moral imagination: Methodological insights from a scenario-based public deliberation study in Technological Forecasting and Social Change.
Hassane Alami and Pascale Lehoux published Rethinking the electronic health record through the quadruple aim: time to align its value with the health system in BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making
Pascale Lehoux and colleagues published Revisiting the relationship between systems of innovation and health systems: A response to recent commentaries in International Journal of Health Policy and Management.
Lysanne Rivard, Pascale Lehoux and Fiona Miller published Double burden or single duty to care? Health innovators’ perspectives on environmental considerations in health innovation design in BMJ Innovation.
Lysanne Rivard and Pascale Lehoux published When desirability and feasibility go hand in hand: innovators’ perspectives on what is and is not responsible innovation in health in Journal of Responsible Innovation.