Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems

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This case study, conducted in Québec (Canada) and in the state of São Paulo (Brazil), characterizes their respective food system to identify their vulnerabilities as well as characteristics associated to responsible innovation. Because neoliberal food regimes currently prioritize economic goals over food security goals, supporting a transition towards sustainable food systems is urgent.

Pozelli Sabio, R., Lehoux, P. (2023). Characterizing food systems to better understand their vulnerabilities: A case study in Québec and São Paulo. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. 38, E25.

Health Policy and Technology

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This scoping review examines the measures used in research to report power asymmetries in online public deliberations. Guidance is offered for researchers and practitioners to choose the most appropriate measures in view of their properties and conceptual relevance.

Jimenez-Pernett, J., Lehoux, P., Olry-de-Labry, A., & Bermudez-Tamayo, C. (2023). Accounting for power imbalances in online public deliberations. A Systematic Review of asymmetry measuresHealth Policy and Technology, 100721.

The International Journal of Health Planning and Management

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This paper examines policy and practical avenues to integrate ‘environmental sustainability’ as the Sextuple aim to the five health care aim model: 1) quality and experience of patient care; 2) population health; 3) quality of work and satisfaction of healthcare providers; 4) equity and inclusion; and 5) cost reduction.

Alami, H., Lehoux, P., Miller, F. A., Shaw, S. E., & Fortin, J. P. (2023). An urgent call for the environmental sustainability of health systems: A ‘sextuple aim’ to care for patients, costs, providers, population equity and the planetThe International Journal of Health Planning and Management38(2), 289-295.

International Journal of Health Planning and Management

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This study examines how the experience of 16 small- and medium-sized entreprises in Canada and Brazil can inform mission-oriented innovation policies to support Responsible Innovation in Health (RIH). Policy instruments that can align, orchestrate, and reconcile health priorities with a renewed understanding of innovation-led economic development are needed.

Lehoux, P., Silva, H. P., Miller, F., Denis, J. L., & Pozelli, R. S. (2023). How can entrepreneurs experience inform responsible health innovation policies? A longitudinal case study in Canada and BrazilThe International Journal of Health Planning and Management.

The European Business Review

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As we face the health, social, and economic impacts of climate change, the transformative power of AI does not lie in what it can do, but in why and how business leaders will implement it. This blog post describes strategic “do’s and don’ts” to guide business leaders along an AI development pathway fit for the 21st century.

Rivard, L., Lehoux, P. (2023). AI is not ready for the 21st century: What can business leaders do? The European Business Review. January 11, 2023.

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

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This perspective discusses the extent to which virtual care offered in the context of COVID-19 followed the “Inverse Care Law.” The latter stipulates that the availability and quality of health care is inversely proportionate to the level of population health needs.

Alami, H., Lehoux, P., Shaw, S. E., Papoutsi, C., Rybczynska-Bunt, S., & Fortin, J. P. (2022). Virtual Care and the Inverse Care Law: Implications for Policy, Practice, Research, Public and Patients. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health19(17), 10591.

International Journal of Medical Informatics

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This scoping review was written for policymakers. Focusing on tools developed since 2015 to support responsibility in digital solutions that operate with or without artificial intelligence (D/AI), its asks: 1) what kinds of practice-oriented tools are available?; 2) on what principles do they predominantly rely?; and 3) what are their limitations? Despite a lack of consensus, policymakers can consolidate their role in this dynamic field.

Lehoux, P., Rivard, L., de Oliveira, R. R., Mörch, C. M., & Alami, H. (2022). Tools to foster responsibility in digital solutions that operate with or without artificial intelligence: A scoping review for health and innovation policymakersInternational Journal of Medical Informatics.

Ciência Hoje

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Intended for the general public, this post (in Portuguese) by Hudson Silva asks “What innovations does the Brazilian health system need?” The author underscores that Responsible Innovation in Health helps identify how an innovation responds to important health challenges while taking the needs of the population and the health system as well as their economic and environmental impacts into account.

Silva, H. (2022). De quais inovações o sistema de saúde brasileiro necessita? Ciência Hoje. Setembro 2022 (CH 391).