International Journal of Health Policy and Management

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Comment inviting scholars to further the discussion on how the value of health innovations should be appraised in view of today’s societal challenges.

Lehoux, P., Silva, H.P. (2020). Transforming Disciplinary Traditions; Comment on “Problems and Promises of Health Technologies: The Role of Early Health Economic Modeling”, International Journal of Health Policy and Management.

BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making

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This article examines how improving the quality of work and well-being of health care providers could help rethinking the implementation of EHRs and also other information technology-based tools and systems, while creating more value for patients, organizations and health systems.

Alami, H., Lehoux, P., Gagnon, MP., Fortin, JP., Fleet, R., Ag Ahmed MA. (2020). Rethinking the electronic health record through the quadruple aim: time to align its value with the health system, BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making.

Technological Forecasting and Social Change

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This article generate methodological insights into the way prospective public deliberative processes can stimulate the public’s moral imagination regarding what may (or may not) happen in the future and what should (or should not) happen in the future.

Lehoux, P., Miller, F.A., Williams-Jones, B. (2020). Anticipatory governance and moral imagination: Methodological insights from a scenario-based public deliberation study, Technological Forecasting and Social Change.

International Journal of Health Policy and Management

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Responses to comments on our scoping review that identified the challenges that responsible innovation in health should seek to address.

Lehoux, P., Roncarolo, F., Silva, H.P., Boivin, A., Denis, J.-L., Hébert, R. (2020). Revisiting the relationship between systems of innovation and health systems: A response to recent commentaries, International Journal of Health Policy and Management. 

RIH in small- and medium-sized enterpreprises and entrepreneurship

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This project aims to identify how alternative business models and hybrid entrepreneurship can support the design, development and commercialization of RIH.

This project consists of a longitudinal case study of high-impact enterprises developing RIH in Quebec, Ontario and the state of Sao Paulo in Brazil. Sixteen small- and medium-sized enterprises with responsibility features described in the RIH framework were recruited in 2017 and 2018 and have been monitored over a period of 4 years. Diversification criteria included organizational structures and types of innovation developed. An overview of the cohort of enterprises participating in this project can be seen in the following infographics.

This project is based on in-depth interviews with members of the organization’s management team or employees directly involved in the design or development of the innovation. Additional data is collected through a secure web-based platform that allows: 1) to upload public documents related to the organization (financial reports, business plan, etc.) and 2) to complete the organization’s “digital diary” twice a year.

Articles have been published and others are currently under review or in preparation:

Project Lead: Hudson Silva